Which one is more biased, you or your data?
Short answer: both. Right answer: neither to the extent that matters, if you pay attention to it. We are all affected by cognitive biases. They are flaws in our thinking processes that can lead to distorted decision making. In addition to our thinking, also the...
One step closer to the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
What is the future of the European Health Data Space? What has the joint action Towards European Health Data Space (TEHDAS) achieved? This blog post summarizes the discussions from the TEHDAS stakeholder forum that took place in Helsinki in June 2023, before the...
Do you use the QALY metric? Be careful.
It is in some cases quite disturbing that authors of Health Technology Assessments papers do not open the components of the used Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) ratios. This blog post provides a deep dive into the formula dynamics and lists the observations which are significant for all decision makers.
Amplify your data-driven decision making in Pharma commercial operations
When it comes to making data-driven decisions in pharma industry, it’s not always easy to build processes and culture that bring you the best return on investment. To help you overcome these hurdles, we’ve created this four-step guide.